It has since made a sluggish recovery, though the extent of the unemployment and gray market, combined with relatively poor law system continue to be of grave concern. 虽然失业率和萧条的市场,以及不完善的法律系统,开始慢慢恢复。
There's a whole gray market for Lego, thousands of home-based businesses. 乐高也有地下市场,成千上万的家庭型工厂。
But the gray market for the new iPhones has already dried up, even though they will not officially go on sale in China for a few weeks, at the earliest. 尽管新款iPhone最早也要几周后才能在中国大陆正式发售,但它的灰色市场已经崩塌了。
However, it is just this so-called gray market that remained attractive for years. 但就是这个所谓的灰色市场,多年来一直魅力不减。
Our company is losing a lot of money to similar products being sold on the gray market. 由于类似产品在灰色市场上销售,我们公司损失很大。
Now, Tesco has started buying cheap Levi's from the so-called "gray market" in other EU countries and selling them on. 如今,特斯科是通过从欧洲其它国家的所谓“灰色市场”买进便宜的李维的产品,然后再卖出去。
Analysis on the Real Estate Market Demand Based on Gray Theory& Taking the Real Estate Market of Huainan City as an Example 基于灰色理论的房地产需求分析&以安徽淮南市房地产市场为例
Gray relevant research on electric power target market based on AHP 运用层次分析的电力目标市场的灰色关联研究
There are other factors at play, of course; less wireless penetration in China than in the US, that black/ gray market opportunity, the mandatory two-year contract. 不过除此之外,还存在着其他的因素。例如:中国的无线覆盖率远低于美国;黑市与水货市场交易猖獗;以及购买iPhone需强制性签约(中国联通)两年服务不够人性化。
At the same time, some Hong Kong sellers in a gray market are earning a handsome profit before the device's official debut. 不过在香港,该款手机虽未正式上市,但已有人在黑市中大赚了一把。
They turned to underground banks that are part of China's thriving gray market. 地下钱庄是中国发达的黑市的一部分。
The gray segment represents our market share. 灰色部分显示我们的市场占有额。
Application of Gray Relevance Analysis to Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction on Beverage Market 灰色关联分析在饮料市场顾客满意度评价中的应用
Analysis on the Economic Effects of International Gray Market on Transnational Enterprises 国际灰市场对跨国经营企业的经济影响分析
The existence and dynamics of the gray market show that the limited effect of religious regulation is beyond subjective desires. 灰色市场的存在及运作机制,显示宗教管制效果的局限并不以人们的主观努力为转移。
In perspective of evolution processes of the land allocation system, the paper analyzes the forming process of gray land market. Using the data collected of illegal land cases, we study the gray land market situation. 本文从土地资源配置体制演进的视角分析了灰色土地市场形成的过程,并利用收集到的土地违法案件的数据对灰色土地市场的现状做了分析。
Gray system theory is used in this article to assess the effect of shareholder number in the securities market and brought forward a gray correlative model for its analysis. 本文以灰色理论为基础,通过灰色关联度分析设计关联矩阵,首次定量地对股东人数指标在证券市场中的作用进行了评价,提出了一个分析股东人数指标的灰关联评估模型;
In the predict process, first the gray relationship theory was adopted to pick out several useful factors, which influence the market demanding and was regarded as the independent variable in the demand forecast model. 在预测过程中,先采用灰色理论中的关联分析方法对影响高客市场需求的各因素进行优劣取舍,选出需求预测模型中的自变量,并给予合理准确的预测,作为需求预测的基础;
It puts forward gray efficient hypothesis of market, and bring into the anomalies of stock market into one explanation frame. 提出了灰色有效市场假说,并把金融市场上的有效性异常现象纳入了一个解释框架。
By the analysis of marketing status of Inner Mongolia electric power corporation and the actuality electro-market in inner Mongolia, this dissertation applies the method of gray system to forecast the electro-prospect in this region, and confirms target market by gray relationship degree. 论文在对内蒙古电力公司营销状况及内蒙古西部地区用电市场现状分析的基础上,运用灰色预测方法进行电力需求预测,并结合灰色关联度分析法进行目标市场的确定。
By using Gray Model and other quantitative forecast methods, this paper forecasts the demand& supply trend of China's oil market, in particular, places emphasis on analyzing the main causes leading to demand-supply contradiction and influence factors. 本文运用灰色预测等定量方法,对我国石油供需趋势进行预测,并着重对供需矛盾的成因及影响因素进行分析;
Thoughts on International Gray Market 关于国际灰市场的若干思考
Application of Gray System& Predict Demand Change of Real Estate Market in Shanghai and Analyses Correlative Degree of Factors Affecting Demand with Gray System 灰色系统分析应用&预测上海房地产市场需求量变化并对其影响因素做关联度分析
The paper uses the cause-effect method to analyze the factors of demand, and applies the gray association analysis method to study quantitatively the relative importance of all kinds of market effect factors. 文章在对市场需求因素因果分析的基础上,运用灰色关联度分析法,对各种市场影响因素的相对重要性进行了定量研究。
The development and utilization of gray information resources on the Internet play a very important role in an enterprise's participation in market competition. 开发和利用互联网上的灰色信息资源,在企业参与市场竞争的活动中占有非常重要的地位。
Gray Model's Forecasting Application in Chinese Stock Market 灰色模型在中国股票市场预测中的应用
In this paper we made use of the general regime-switching model proposed by Gray and the data of the 30-day inter-bank market of China to study the behavior of the interest rates. After research, we found that there did exist regime-switching in the market. 利用Gray提出的一般利率结构转换模型对中国银行间30天同业拆借利率进行实证研究,发现中国银行间30天同业拆借市场确实存在结构转换现象。
Therefore, it is necessary to enhance a theoretical research on the gray market to guide transnational enterprises to protect against the attack of the gray market. 因此,必须加强对灰市场理论的研究,以指导跨国经营企业抵御灰市场的侵扰。
In order to further guide the practice of business operations, this chapter in the sixth measure the effect of gray situation decision to build a systematic approach to the business model of international market entry mode decision. 为了进一步指导企业的实践操作,本文在第六章采用灰局势决策效果测度的系统方法构建了企业国际市场进入模式决策模型。
In Christian, institutionalized church is Red Market, non-institutionalized church is Gray Market, and heresy and extremism are Black Market. 对基督教来说,体制内的教会是红色市场,体制外的非建制教会是灰色市场,而异端、极端则是黑色市场。